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Mortgage myths + misconceptions
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Pay off your house without changing your spending

It’s Not Magic – It’s Just Math!

For as long as we can remember, the homebuying process has largely remained the same: apply for a mortgage, make a deposit, and pay it off in 30 years. But this archaic process puts homeowners at the mercy of their banks for too long, causing unnecessary stress, excessive interest charges, and financial strain for seemingly no reason.

What if there was a way to streamline the homebuying process – an option to pay down your principal and simultaneously build up your equity sooner than you could possibly imagine?

At Life Changer Loan, we’re making that a reality for homebuyers in Arizona by offering a special loan that can help you pay off your loan and build equity in record time.

Contact us today to see how you can ditch the old-fashioned ways and capitalize on a revolutionary new way to buy a home.

What is a Life Changer Loan?

A Life Changer Loan is a special type of home loan that merges home finance with personal banking in a convenient, integrated package. In a traditional mortgage, you pay towards your loan in monthly payments from your checking account.

In a Life Changer Loan, your mortgage is your checking account – and any deposits automatically lower your principal balance. You always have 24/7 access to any money for your regular daily expenses, much like a traditional banking account – but the cash you don’t spend goes directly toward your loan.

In addition, you also have flexible access to your equity dollars for 30 years without refinancing – even if you’ve paid off your loan early.

Life Changer Loan Featured on “The Balancing Act” hosted by Montell Williams

What’s the Catch?
A Life Changer Loan is a special type of home loan that merges home finance with personal banking in a convenient, integrated package.
How It Works
Client Savings
We help our clients pay off their mortgage faster and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest costs.
interest saved
30 year loan for $608,000 Paid off in 3 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $609,000 Paid off in 2 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $487,000 Paid off in 5 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $508,000 Paid off in 3 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $758,800 Paid off in 5 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $310,900 Paid off in 5 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $136,000 Paid off in less than 1 year
interest saved
30 year loan for $238,000 Paid off in 2 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $670,000 Paid off in 6 years
interest saved
30 year loan for $330,000 Paid off in 7 years
A Life Changer Loan is a home loan that works like a fully secured checking account. It allows you the freedom to use your income to reduce your exposure to decades of mortgage interest costs.

Why is the Life Changer Loan Better Than a Traditional Mortgage?

Why is the Life Changer Loan Better Than a Traditional Mortgage?

  • All of your payments go toward the principal balance – not interest.
    Traditional mortgages force you to pay off interest before paying toward principal, making it incredibly difficult to build equity immediately. In fact, most homeowners won’t pay more principal than interest until the 22nd year of their 30-year mortgage. In a Life Changer Loan, your payments immediately go toward the principal – allowing you to immediately build equity from the month number 1 of your homeowning journey.
  • Any total interest paid is significantly lower.
    In a Life Changer Loan, interest is calculated based on your daily balance, which stays low because of your cashflow. This, combined with regular reductions in your principal, result in total interest paid that is much lower than that of a traditional mortgage.
  • Your idle cash works for you much harder.
    Any cash in low interest-bearing accounts can now go toward your principal balance to significantly lower interest costs – working harder than it ever did in your savings account.
  • You pay off your mortgage much quicker.
    Most homeowners are shocked to find that, under a Life Changer Loan, they pay off their mortgage in a matter of years – not decades.
  • You pay off your mortgage much quicker.
    Most homeowners are shocked to find that, under a Life Changer Loan, they pay off their mortgage in a matter of years – not decades.

Who Is This For?

It is important to note that the Life Changer Loan is not for everyone. Generally, this option is best for those who:

  • Have good equity or a large down payment
  • Have a positive cashflow – they bring in more money than they
  • Kept a strict budget for their expenses
  • Have good credit

If you are unsure whether the Life Changer Loan is best for you, please contact us today. We can figure out the best option for your home finances in a way that best suits your needs.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in the Life Changer Loan or have any questions, please contact us today. Paying off your mortgage in this lifetime can be a reality with the Life Changer Loan; we can show you how with a free consultation and demo of how it al works.


Shane O’Grady
Money Radio 1510 & 105.3FM
Why hasn’t a Life Changer Loan type product been offered to the public before?
There have been smaller institutions that have indeed launched similar types of products. The mortgage products we use primarily today were developed during the Great Depression Era, lengthening the repayment terms for borrowers in an effort to making housing more affordable. Since then, there has been no substantial lobby for change and unfortunately, conventional products haven’t kept up with consumer demands and behavioral changes. In time, we believe mainstream lending institutions will eventually evolve too.
How does the mortgage company benefit by promoting a loan that saves borrowers interest?
Although the vast majority of mortgages purchased in the U.S. are for 30-year terms, most are paid off every 5-7 years, historically, either through a refinance or by the sale of the property. Lenders only earn income on those loans for a short period of time. But the Life Changer Loan is different. It provides a variety of benefits not offered with conventional financing and therefore, less incentive to be replaced. The result is reduced risk for a lender, the potential to earn interest income for a greater period of time, and the opportunity to develop “stickier” relationships with borrowers.
How is a principal payment made?
Every time funds are deposited into the Life Changer Loan a principal payment is made, meaning, the loan balance reduces by the same amount the day of the deposit. Effectively, deposited funds help borrowers save loan interest at the same rate as the Life Changer Loan. As an example, if the interest rate is 4% and the borrower deposits their $5,000 paycheck into their Life Changer Loan with a principal balance of $200,000, the balance would lower to $195,000. Those dollars are now saving the borrower loan interest at a rate of 4% by lowering the balance versus earning near 0% in their regular checking account.
How many years can a borrower draw from their Life Changer Loan line of credit?
Borrowers can draw funds from the line of credit for a total of 30 years as long as their principal loan balance is below their credit limit